The local members of the network in the cities of Komotini and Kavala has organized two meetings with representatives of other NGOs of these cities. The topics of the meetings were on the issues that the region of Europe and Mediterranean are facing at the moment, the opportunities that comes from the ALF network on networking and cooperation, the process of become members of the network and good practices.
In Komotini the organization System and Generation, member of the network since last year, with the cooperation of the Europe Direct, brought 20 people from local NGOs and non formal groups, most of them student associations from the local university. Komotini is a city in the North in the region where the Muslim minority of Greece is settled, which was one of the main topics of the discussion, the interreligious dialogue and the aspects of it.
In Kavala the organization DIMOFELIA gathered 15 people representatives of all the fields of the civil society organizations with high interest on social entrepreneurship, a topic which was the main theme of the meeting. The meeting has organized in the Imaret, a very important monument that has been build from Mehmet Ali Pasha, the founder of the modern Egypt.
Both of the meetings were very successful and the heads of the Hellenic network had the chance to promote the benefits from the networking through the Anna Lindh Foundation and of course to get the needs from the local organization in order to bring them in the future meeting of the network.