CYCLISIS is a youth and general Education provider, a non profit organisation in the broader area of Patras city in Western Greece. Main goal and activites of CYCLISIS are around intercultural, itnergenerational and intersectoral cooperation and communication in local, national and European level. More specifically the staff and volunteers of CYCLISIS are interested on INCLUSION of those who are at risk or feel excluded form educational and furhter social opportunities because of mutliple discrimiantion due to gender,ethnicity,poverty or disability. WE develop participatory strategies so to include as more as possible various atakeholders and real people in supporting them to confront the various challenges and barriers to learning.
CYCLISIS is member of ALL-IN Network which reflects the work on focus group’ hard to reach learners and youth’, member of N-DSA-N - an innovative network focused on developing projects and synergies between private and public actors in child and adolescent neuropsychiatry field which created in Italy in 2014). Locally works in affiliation of DAFNI KEK which applies Life Skills strategies and together work on Implementing OED ( Outreach Empowerment Diversity). .CYCLISIS applies gender sensitive strategies, giving focus to equal repsrestnation of both of the sexes and wok in favor of cooperation for development among all. Further services are provided to the students at the age of 11- 16 ( School age) with main perspective to encourage the democratic thinking, the openess and active citizenship life approach with sustainability